To make a page break, place it in the part of the text where you want the new section to begin. If the document has a structured order, half of the numbering process is made easier. The secret to adding page numbering is to separate the document into sections.
This is a problem that has a solution if you know how to divide a document into sections. Many prefer to create multiple documents separately because they don't know how to use this feature. Write a document that requires different numbering by sections in Word is a tedious task. and so on.If you are a student or have ever had to write a special degree thesis (TEG), you know that place page numbers according to APA standards can become a problem. I routinely assign Heading 8 to Appendix A.1, A.2. I routinely assign Heading 7 to Appendix A, Appendix B. In "Use separator," make sure "hyphen" is selected. In "Chapter starts with style," select Heading 8.Ĭ. Make sure the checkbox Include Chapter Number is selected.ī. In your Word ribbon, select Header/Footer > Page Number > Format Page Number > Page Number Format:Ī. Just before you start a new Level 2 package, create a logical section break.ĥ. Assign Heading 8 to autonumber your Level 2 work packages (0001.1, 0001.2. Assign Heading 7 to autonumber your Level 1 work packages (0001, 0002. Paul Vroegindewey, you can even use the approach to automatically number pages 0001.1-1, 0001.1-2, etc. A video by Wolf Helping Hand shows how at Microsoft explains how in "Example 2: Inserting Page Numbers for Chapters and Appendixes" at Ģ. Several sites have explained how to create prefixed page numbers that will fully autonumber in one's Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables.ġ. Click on OK to actually add your field to the header or footer.In the Format list, choose the option for capital letters (A B C.).Choose Section in the Field Names list.Make sure the Numbering category is selected in the Categories list.Click the Quick Parts tool (in the Text group) and then choose Field.Again, display the Insert tab of the ribbon.Position the insertion point in the section where you want page numbers.You can then set up your page numbers this way: If all the sections of your manuscript are in a single document file, just make sure you have a real section break between each of your sections.
Click Current Position | Plain Number.Word displays some options for your page number.
Click the Page Number tool in the Header & Footer group.If you are using a newer version of Word, go to step 5. In older versions of Word, make sure the Design tab of the ribbon is displayed.Type the section letter followed by a dash.(If you want the page number in the header, simply follow this step but look for "Header" instead of "Footer" in each instance.) Word displays the footer area of the current page and places the insertion point there. Assuming you want the page number in the footer, click the Footer tool in the Header & Footer group and then click Edit Footer.For instance, if each "section" is actually a different document file, then you simply need to set your page numbers this way: Exactly how you do this depends on how you have your documents set up. For instance, you may want them numbered as A-1, A-2, A-3, etc. In many documents you may have a need to number your pages with a section number as a preface.